
Clarification System
Filtration System
Softening System
Adsorption System
Demineralization System
We offer various types of demineralization system to various kinds of demineralized water supply purpose. The demineralized water can be produced with constant water quality and quantity. The system is considered to minimize the chemical and regenerated waste together with easy plant operation and maintenance.
Reverse Osmosis System (RO)
Mixed Bed Polishing System
Ultra Pure Water System
We design and construct ultrapure water system with a specific resistance value of 17.2 MΩ.cm or more, which has the highest level of cleanliness. In addition to resistivity, we also can provide a plant corresponding to the required water quality such as TOC, particles, and endotoxin-free.
Condensate Polishing System
Condensate polishing is an important part of water treatment for any utility or industrial power generating system. This includes fossil-fuels and nuclear power generation facilities using recirculation drum-type boilers and one-through stream generators. In these facilities, stream from the boiler passes through a series of turbines where it expends most of its energy. The low-pressure stream is then in a heat exchanger system where it is recovered in hot wells and routed to storage tanks. The condensed water or “condensate” is recycled back to the boiler and converted into stream again. Recovering and recycling the return condensate is an obvious way to significantly reduce the cost of operation.
Membrane Treatment System
Various type of membrane can be served to produce clear water in many membrane applications. We also provide the best pre-treatment to protect the membrane and extend the membrane lifetime. In addition, electric power consumption is also minimized too.